Matt Abbott

Matthew Abbott

Senior Vice President, Chief Enterprise Transformation Officer

Matt Abbott is a highly accomplished and results-driven executive with more than 25 years of global experience working with major public corporations, including more than 15 years working in the chemicals sector.

Matt Abbott is the company’s Chief Enterprise Transformation Officer. Since joining Chemours in 2017, he has held various leadership roles, including Interim Chief Financial Officer, Digital and Data Analytics Leader, Chief Audit Executive, Chief Accounting Officer and Controller, and more. Matt has been central to designing digital strategies to accelerate Chemours’ journey to becoming a data-driven organization and fostering a culture of excellence and continuous improvement within the company. Prior to Chemours, he was an Audit Partner with PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. Matt brings over 25 years of experience and a deep understanding of the chemical sector that will enable him to accelerate Chemours’ journey towards operational excellence enabled by next generation digital solutions and technologies. Abbott holds a BSc in Management Sciences from Warwick Business School in the UK and is a Certified Public Accountant.

Q: You’re Chemours’ first Chief Enterprise Transformation Officer. Can you explain what this role encompasses?

Transformation is happening all around us and at a faster rate than we’ve ever seen before. Technology is changing how we run plants, communicate with each other, and do business. We’re focused on how we can embrace change and keep pace with these advancements so that we remain agile. Importantly, we don’t view transformation as a journey from point A to point B, rather it’s a constant pursuit to improve our processes and gain a competitive edge. This is about how we win, and to do that, we must fully embrace digital skills and data analytics to drive the right results.

Q: Why is digital upskilling so important to the future of Chemours?

Every day we make thousands of decisions whether we realize it or not. Reliable and accessible data can help us make better and quicker decisions that can accelerate growth, unlock productivity, and improve operational performance across the company. Chemours already has some of the best teams in the industry and through digital upskilling, we can provide our people with the tools and resources they need to gather, interpret, and act on reliable data. The exciting part about our digital transformation is that it applies to everyone at Chemours whether you’re at one of our plant sites, a lab, or in a corporate function.

Q: You previously served as Chief Audit Executive, as well as Chief Accounting Officer and Controller before transitioning to digital and data analytics leader and eventually your current role. What drew you to digital transformation and data analytics?

I’m a bit of a tech geek at heart and have always been fascinated with exploring the latest gadgets and digital advancements. I’ve also been immersed in financial data for much of my career. In those roles, I found a passion for evaluating data and figuring out how we can use that information to make better business decisions, improve our competitiveness, and become more profitable as a company. I see this position not only as a chance to use my own skills and passions but also as an opportunity to work closely with people across the company to create a simpler, faster, and better connected Chemours.

Q: What is the best piece of professional advice you’ve ever received?

I once had a boss tell me, “Walk. Talk. Type.” In other words, conversations are best when they’re face-to-face. If you can walk down the hall to speak with a colleague or walk to meet a customer, then do it. If you can’t have that discussion in person, then pick up the phone and call. Your last choice should be sending an email or instant message. Although I am keenly focused on digital transformation, and I wholeheartedly support flexible ways of working, there is no substitute for face-to-face conversations when it comes to building relationships.

Q: How do you like to spend your weekends?

Weekends are about family. With young children involved in sports, most weekends are spent at swim meets or t-ball and baseball games. It’s a great chance to spend time with them and watch them learn, grow, and have success.