Rolling Forward: Chemours Belgium's Green Commute

In 2018, Belgium's notorious traffic congestion prompted a transformative journey at Chemours Belgium, driven by a commitment to address the environmental and personal toll of lengthy commutes. Our corporate bike leasing program, initiated that year, offers employees the choice of various bikes at preferential rates over three years. This initiative, complemented by comprehensive safety training and dedicated facilities for bike commuters, has struck a chord, with one in five Chemours Belgium employees now regularly choosing a greener commute. It captures Chemours Belgium's steadfast dedication to sustainable mobility, exemplifying our commitment to steering towards a greener, more environmentally conscious future.

In June 2023, our Corporate Responsibility Commitment (CRC) team successfully organized a "Bike to Work" week, inspiring colleagues to ditch their cars. Collaborating with Katoen Natie, our logistics partner and owner of the office complex where Chemours is established in the port of Antwerp (Kallo), we introduced a Waterbus landing stage at our site, reducing commute times to the city center for almost half of our Kallo staff to just 30 minutes.

To fulfill our commitment to a carbon-neutral future, Chemours Belgium actively promoted the transition of salary car drivers to electric cars in 2022, with the aim of achieving a fully carbon-neutral fleet by 2025. This forward-thinking policy is gaining momentum across other Chemours EMEA countries. For city dwellers unable to make the electric switch, our innovative "mobility budget" provides environmentally friendly alternatives or supports a move closer to work.

In support of electric car drivers, we installed ten complimentary charging points at our Mechelen plant, extending our commitment to green practices beyond our workforce to the broader community.

Amidst the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, Chemours Belgium led within Chemours Europe by implementing a progressive home office policy. This strategic move not only contributes to net carbon savings but also enhances the work-life balance of our dedicated team.