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Showing 1-10 of 49 results for "velta"

Pamela Fletcher

Pamela Fletcher is a Director at The Chemours Company and the former Senior Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer of Delta Airlines.

Waterzuivering Chemours Haalt Nieuwe Lozingseis Voor FRD902/903

Chemours in Dordrecht heeft in 2018 de lozing van de fluorhoudende stoffen FDR902/903 in het riool van waterschap Hollandse Delta verminderd tot omstreeks 140 kilogram.

The Innovative Approach to Using Titanium Dioxide in ‘Cool’ PVC Materials


TiO2 for rigid PVC Applications

Exterior applications demand ultimate durability to protect against the ravages of nature’s elements. It is a tough challenge to find the salient ingredient to lasting beauty and superior weatherability.


Ti Pure Reglas Oficiales

Las personas elegibles deberán comentar la publicación de la “Expo CIHAC.”

2023 Sustainability Report Executive Summary

Chemistry for a better world.

2023 Sustainability Report Executive Summary - Dutch

Chemistry for a better world.

2023 Chemours Sustainability Report

Chemistry for a better world.

Chemours Announces Changes to its Board of Directors

Pamela Fletcher appointed as director; Sandra Phillips Rogers will not stand for reelection The Chemours Company (Chemours) (NYSE: CC), a global chemistry company with leading market positions in Titanium Technologies, Thermal & Specialized Solutions, and Advanced Performance Materials, today announces two upcoming changes to its Board of Directors.

Outdoor Vinyl Fence and Railing

Consistent color, superior weathering and processibility are critical… to a fence manufacturer, and the choice of TiO₂ plays a decisive role.