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Showing 2511-2520 of 2573 results

Low-GWP Refrigerant for Plate Ice Making

Learn about the successful use of Opteon™ XL10 for plate ice production.

HP 152a and n-Butane Properties of Mixtures

Physical Properties of HP 152a and n-Butane Mixtures HP 152a

FM-200™ American Fire Company, Longwood, FL Case History

American Fire Company of Longwood, Florida reports that they received confirmation that in two separate instances Kidde® FM-200™ systems successfully extinguished potentially damaging fires.

Freon™/Opteon™ General Replacement Guide

Performance data is based on theoretical calculations at typical application conditions (outlined below). Actual performance will vary depending on system design and conditions.

Krytox™ XP 2A5 Mounted Roller Bearing Application Case Study

A Mexican metal work manufacturer improves productivity and saves money by switching lubricants.

Verdere verlaging indirecte lozing FRD-903 Chemours en resultaten meetprogramma Rijkswaterstaat rondom Chemours

Hierbij ontvangt u ter informatie de brief van de minister van lnfrastructuur en Waterstaat die voorafgaand aan het wetgevingsoverleg Water van 11 november 2019 vandaag naar de Tweede Kamer wordt gestuurd.

Krytox™ Typical Properties of General-Purpose Oils and Greases Product Information

Typical Properties of Krytox™ General-Purpose Oils and Greases

Automotive Lubricants for NVH and BSR Application Profile

Krytox™ Lubricants eliminate auto noise, vibration and harshness issues

Fluoroguard™ PRO Tech Info

Fluoroguard™ PRO from Chemours is a colorless, odorless, nonflammable, and chemically inert polymer processing additive based on fluorinated synthetic oil (perfluoropolyether).

EGR Valve lubrication case study

A supplier to auto OEM reduces failures and saves money.